Sunday, September 26, 2010

Technological Changes.

As times change, I believe technology is one of the biggest factors that have influenced the radio industry in the 1920's.

According to, radio is defined as, 'transmitting a message, music, etc. by radio'. So, if we look to some of the earlier forms of technology used to do such things, we would begin with music boxes, nickelodeons, & jukeboxes. After those devices had there time we moved onto phonographs and record players, eventually we started having portable devices that we simply called radios that were moved into homes.  Now in the year 2010 we have much smaller and even more portable musical players that play radio as well as storing peoples personal favorites that are in mp3 format.  As 'radio' has been changed and improved, it has possibly in my opinion attracted more user by new designs along with what was being produced through the speakers!

From the lecture on music and radio, I remember being told that radios had initially dropped sales for the music industry, but eventually it helped in the long run. It has boosted sales because exposure of certain artists cause consumers to 'want more'.  This piece of technology was used for advertising and promotional purposes.  The radio could provide information/music to large audiences and was offered in such a way to please most people.

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